Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cultural Mysteries

If you want to start a new life in different country, you need to spend a period of time to know the culture of that country. When I came to Canada, there are so many things that I was not confortable about. People in Canada are so kind and friendly, because if you had a eye contact with them they usually smile, and start talk with you. However, in my own country, people won't talk to a stranger. Also, while in class, once teacher ask you a question, there are always some other people start to shout out the answer. That makes me very unconfortable, and made my feel unrespected by other people. I thought that Canadians like travel a lot, people often go out on their vacations to other place or countries. I do not understand why is this so popular in Canada, maybe it is the life style here.  Because more and more immgrantes are coming, Canada is a multicultured country. People can see different countries' traditional  culture in Canada. It is always very interesting to know other countries's cultuer. There are still many things that I don't know about Canadian's culture, and I hope as long as I live in Canada, I can learn more about Canada.

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