Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Vacation and the New Year

This Christmas, I will stay at Shanghai and spent my vacation with my friends. I have so many things to do when I back to China. First, this Christmas will be very special to me because it is my grandfather's 70th birthday. I always think it is a coinsidence that my grandfather's birthday is on December 24th which is Christmas eve.  Second, my friend's Japaness restaurant will open around Christmas. He is my best friend, so I am going to attend the opening ceremony. Then, I am going to have a big shopping with my sister. I want buy so many things, and eat different kinds of food. I miss Shanghai so much, and the tranditional chinese food, too. On the last day of 2010, I want go to the count down with my friends, and stay up whole night until the sun rise. Of course, I will have the dinner with my family during that time. I hope everyone have a nice Christmas and everything start fresh in 2011.

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