Monday, December 6, 2010

December 8

This Wednesday, I will go back to my hometown, Shanghai. I am so exciting about that, and I miss Shanghai a lot. I will be very busy during this vacation because I have so many things to do. Also I want spend some time with my friends in China.  Looking forward at that.

Christmas Vacation and the New Year

This Christmas, I will stay at Shanghai and spent my vacation with my friends. I have so many things to do when I back to China. First, this Christmas will be very special to me because it is my grandfather's 70th birthday. I always think it is a coinsidence that my grandfather's birthday is on December 24th which is Christmas eve.  Second, my friend's Japaness restaurant will open around Christmas. He is my best friend, so I am going to attend the opening ceremony. Then, I am going to have a big shopping with my sister. I want buy so many things, and eat different kinds of food. I miss Shanghai so much, and the tranditional chinese food, too. On the last day of 2010, I want go to the count down with my friends, and stay up whole night until the sun rise. Of course, I will have the dinner with my family during that time. I hope everyone have a nice Christmas and everything start fresh in 2011.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Busy Week

This week was very busy because it almost near the end of this semester. The last assignment that we have to do is a research paper which based on poverty in Canada. This is a very broad topic, so I am thinking about how can I narrow this topic. I have so many things can say about the poverty, such as finanicial crisis, drug addiction, mental illness, and family problems. However, in each topic, it is very hard to write about that I can explain the topic clearly. Never mind, I will try my best for the last assignment, and keep work hard on it.